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Goose Egg Addling

Egg Addling might be a good idea if you don’t want any more geese next year but will not get rid of your current geese. Egg addling is performed by shaking the eggs in the nest. This will cause the young embryo to die. If you break the eggs the bird will obviously die but the mother might lay more to replace them.

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Goose Chemical Deterrent

Now we need to talk about chemical deterrents. These work great but have one major flaw. The rain will wash it away. This means you have to reapply or hire someone to reapply after every storm. This isn’t very cost effective if you live in an area that has heavy rain. You may want to use this in summer then use another deterrent in the fall and spring. Some come in a concentrate that you mix, and others come already made with a sprayer.

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Bird Spikes

Now let’s talk about bird spikes. You may have seen these on electric signs for businesses. These are usually for smaller birds. They come in plastic or stainless steel. They may not be very good for geese landing on your lawn or parking lot but they can be affective for roofs. If you have flat areas where these pests like to hang out you can lay spikes down to deter them. I would recommend the stainless steel spikes to avoid breakage.

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Ultrasonic Wave Deterrent

The next way to get rid of the Canadian geese is Ultrasonic Waves. These can get rid of many animals including geese. Some also have motion detectors. These units are small and look just like any outdoor feature on a building. They can be run with a cord or batteries. If you have a business this may be the most discreet way to repel Canadian geese without using chemicals.

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